Astonishing story and space (especially those chandeliers). As a longtime hat person who favors the brow-concealing brim, I relate to your observation that a hatted woman is accessible and inaccessible at the same time. Hats impart mystery to the face.

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I really look forward to your writing. So personal yet also so objective. Thanks Lyn, for so beautifully baring your soul.

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This is truly remarkable!! The hat and the heritage were just waiting for you to come along.

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What a beautiful and intriguing part of your history you’ve uncovered! And I love that you’re new hat with it’s veil will be collecting memories for your family. As always, your writing pulls at my emotions. I have a profound respect and longing to learn more of my history. Never let your curiosity grow stale. Beautiful story!

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Ah, lovely post. I soaked in every word.

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Such a remarkable story! Always look forward to your thoughtful stories… keep writing! 💕

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What an amazing history just so lovely to read how your family past unfolded. The hat obviously found it’s right head - west with pride.

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This is beautiful. Thank you, Lyn.

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What an inspiring, magical story, rooted in the history of your family. I love reading how you are learning about your grandparents and great-grandparents, as another person getting to know ancestors as I discover more about them. Thank you for sharing your story about your beautiful hat and how it ties it all together.

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Thank you for this beautiful story of belonging, heritage and hats.

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I’m rereading Wallace Stegner’s Spectator Bird about the protagonist’s trip to his ancestral Denmark. He’s a 70 year old man with a tortured soul on a long term visit to the past to try to unwind his present. One of Stegner’s best and a good reread for me, turning 70 this year.

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Lyn your posts are always so honest, thought provoking and inspiring. I have ordered your book - UK version - and can’t wait to delve into its pages. I shall await the Dutch based novel with anticipation

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Lyn, another wonderful post. I look forward to the next one arriving in my inbox. I ordered your book and I look forward to reading it.

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